Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I lost my keys at work yesterday. After an almost half hour search I found them in the fridge. I have no words for this. It's a new low even for me.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
2007 Trip #2 - Amazon
On the next part of this trip we headed for the Amazon...I still can't believe I've been there! It was so immense and it's still hard to imagine a river so big!
Our lodge was further up the river, we had to take a boat up to it which took a couple of hours...amazing trip! We got to see lots of little villages which looked pretty much the way I imagined it.
The tree looked a lot bigger in real life...

Things were a lot bigger in the Amazon, like this is a termites nest:
And here's a tree:
Now for a really fricken scary tree you can't go past this one:
It looked like a weird spidery crab tree. Spooky.
Edit: formatting and spelling cos it was late and I was slack and didn't check it before posting!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
2007 Trip #1 - Lima
Last year I went on a trip that toured around Peru, Bolivia and L.A. in the U.S.A. I figure it is worthy of a few blog posts at least!! (Considering I have trouble thinking up blog posts and am too much of a slack arse to take pics of my projects, this will have to do!!!)

traditional ones found in Malta. I ended up taking a few pics of them (I think people thought I was a little mad, lol!) I'll try to limit myself to only the one!
This final one really wanted to make me learn more about photograpy. I could honestly see the photo I wanted to take, the scenery was so beautiful. I think I got close enough. This building really brought home to me the history of the city, I could imagine the people who would of lived and worked here, their clothing, to sort of traffic that would of been seen on the street below.
After a very, very long plane route, we arrived in Lima at midnight, where we promptly went out and searched for the nearest Macca's. Maybe not our brightest idea ever. By the way, Macca's became our fall back meal wherever we went, and funnily enough it tasted better in Peru than it did in the U.S.A. Go figure.
We only spent a few days there but it was long enough to find all the shopping centres! This was taken from one of the cliffside malls:
This is one of my favourite shots, I wish all my pics had come out like this! The architecture in Lima was so amazing and covered so many different time periods. It becomes even more varied the further into the country you go.
On the second day we went to the older part of time where I went even more nuts over the buildings. They were just beautiful! The pic on the left has balconies that remind me a lot of the
On the right is a picture of one of the statues circling the fountain the the centre of the square. I really don't want to know what the lion is doing to the dragon.
This final one really wanted to make me learn more about photograpy. I could honestly see the photo I wanted to take, the scenery was so beautiful. I think I got close enough. This building really brought home to me the history of the city, I could imagine the people who would of lived and worked here, their clothing, to sort of traffic that would of been seen on the street below.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Dentist appointment
So I went in for a check up due to some occasional pains in my gums, and yep! I need a filling..well to be more precise I need to have a filling drilled out and replaced. Thankfully it didn't happen today, as I'm not sure how a drive home with the wind and the rain as it is in Melbourne at the moment. Can anyone say gale force winds?? Anyhoo my mission from now on is to floss more regularly. And to watch more James Bond movies....good thing Goldeneye is on tonight! :)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
So after I finished the Cable Vest for my nephew I was on a roll,. I really had the knitting bug and no urgent project that needed to be finished. But I did have a nice new pattern book that had a gorgeous poncho in it and all the yarn I needed...for once I would be knitting it for me! So cast it on and spent a whole day on it and managed to finish almost a whole chart of the cable section....I was pretty happy, I felt like I was improving as a knitter....untl I saw the mistakes...and they were so obvious and really really hard to ignore...I tried. I even kept knitting a few rows but it was just BUGGING me. So I frogged it (frogging being ripping back all the rows til you get back to the point you want to be at). I was not very happy. It spoilt my knitting obsession. Until a couple of nights ago when I decided to cast on for Spencer gloves, also a knit for me! I did a gauge swatch and everything! Spent all day yesterday on it! Til around 11:30 at night when I realised that some where along the line I'd swapped one of my 3.25mm needles for one that was 3mm. Completely ruining the gauge. I felt like crying as my bf and I slowly frogged the ENTIRE thing! There are no pictures. I refuse to have to photograph that sad event.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Finished Project No: 1 Cabled Vest
I finally finished my first project for the year! and I managed it in record time as I completed it (with help picking up stitches from my friend!) In a few weeks! The cabled vest was a 1st birthday present to my gorgeous nephew. I got the pattern from Debbie Bliss' Baby knit book. Now the photos:
The top pic shows the colour of the vest much more clearly. The one on the left shows it from the front in all it's unblocked glory. Considering I only finished this an hour and a half before having to hand it over, they should be happy that the ends have been woven away!!! This involved a mammoth panic session of "how to seam the sides together" which involved a massive search of the net ending where I probably should of started at knitty. The pic below is it from behind.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Leap day
So you know that this y3ear there was a 29th of February, but do you know the traditions associated with it? According to english rule (and google) this is the one day a year that a woman can ask a man to marry her. The rule further states that if he says no he must buy her a present so as to help soften the blow of the rejection (I'm sure women really argued against that one! lol) I am not one to let a good rule go to waste, hence my coming into posession of this:

Yes that's right, I went down on one knee and professed my love to my bf in the middle of borders!! I do believe the phrase he used was "All right! shut up, I'll buy you the damn book!!" hehe! I suppose I shouldn't of stated the proposal with "damn I can't afford the book, I KNOW!"
Yes that's right, I went down on one knee and professed my love to my bf in the middle of borders!! I do believe the phrase he used was "All right! shut up, I'll buy you the damn book!!" hehe! I suppose I shouldn't of stated the proposal with "damn I can't afford the book, I KNOW!"
Now the purpose of buying Alice in Wonderland, is two fold:
a) I'm a bookaholic, I absolutely love books as well as really beautiful editions of them. I absolutely love reading them, nothing beats them, not even the lot cheaper ebooks.
b) I'm part of the ravelry group that has a KAL and read along of 19th century books. We are starting with Alice. I need my own copy for reason a) I'm starting to think with my yarn and book addiction that this might not be the best group to be in to save money (as you have to knit something that is inspired by the book)